Cheap and Cheerful, Lots of fun, Ideal for all Sub-units, Wives Clubs or Fun nights!!

Featuring the EVIL LORD DAVENTRY , with his sidekick, as Master of Ceremonies, ‘ OFF WITH HIS HEAD' , Classic hilarity with the YARD OF ALE, much merriment with on the SLIPPERY POLE plus BFG's Top Mobile Disco Roadshow to finish off the night! All for just € 1000,-
Upgrade your show - Perfect for all Messes, this is the most popular of all options. All the above plus the unique JOUSTING KNIGHT'S, Inter-village rivalry with traditions games including QUOITS - € 1500.-

For an all singing, all dancing night
never to be forgotten
than add to all the above as many extras as you choose –MERLIN The MAGICIAN, JUGGLERS & FIRE-EATERS, TANZONIA (our very own Medieval Musicians), HENRY VIII, THE Dreaded STOCKS the list is endless, just call us and talk to one of our experienced reps to arrange a Knight that has no equal!!