Yo Ho Ho and A Bottle of Rum!! Shiver me timbers, me Hearty's. It time to experience a night of hilarity, mirth and mayhem with our newest and best theme night!! Totally exclusive to STARFIRE , this is 5 hours of fun and frolics on the High Seas!
Fronted by the most ferocious Lady Pirate of them all, Capt Moonshine, you will take part in the Battle of the Caribbean as crew members of the opposing ships, each with their
own Captain, (nominated by you) leading the way. From the Pirates Quiz to the Treasure Hunt, including along the way a mixture of pirate pursuits such as Ye Olde Deck Quoits, Ye Wicked Rum Challenge, and Fishy Feelers and culminating in Walking the Plank. Throughout the evening collect your gold doubloons and the ship with the fullest Treasure Chest at the end of the night will win the prize. Winner takes all. This chaotic night of merriment concludes with one of the best Disco's on the circuit to give your Mess or Club a night they will never forget.
With full stage decoration and fully costumed Presenters to give you an authenticated night of Piratical Pleasures this show is all set to be one of our most popular Themed nights to date!! So hurry my hearties as MOONSHINE'S PIRATE NIGHT is sure to be a rip roaring, cutlass swinging success!
To ensure you have a chance to experience this totally unique show, Contact us today by phone, fax or e-mail or check out Starfire-Ents.com